Monday, June 15, 2009

The Friday Effect

Friday is always a great day. Sure, you will be doing the same tedious tasks that you were doing the four days prior to Friday but today they’re different because after they are done you don’t have to think about redoing them for two whole days!! Friday is the day when you can almost convince your coworkers that you give a shit about their mundane lives or their self induced stresses because you are able to smile at them knowing that you won’t have to recall their existence for two whole days! The redundant meeting at 8:00 am would normally drive you up the wall but on Friday you just quietly sip your coffee and plan your weekend activities. When the cafeteria charges you $6.57 for a grilled cheese sandwich that’s charred black on one side, you decide to not grumble under your breath because you know that since it’s Friday your charred bread will taste heavenly. Even when your boss walks into your cube while you are dining on charred bread to inform you that your workload has tripled, you just smile and nod because it’s Friday and you won’t have to do both your job and his job for two days.